RAMS WILL promise to...

student in English class

take responsibility for our education by arriving on-time to school on a daily basis and being prepared for every class.

students in class

seek clarity by asking questions when there is something we do not understand.

students in contest play

hold myself and others accountable for a safe, fair, and positive learning environment.

track athletes

foster relationships with others by demonstrating empathy and respect towards our fellow Rams.

baseball team

collaborate with others and actively engage in our education during our time together.

Reavis track athlete

advocate for an equitable and inclusive school environment that inspires each of us to be our best selves.


ms. o'donnell
Ms. Lindsay O’Donnell is our new Summer School Coordinator. She has been a leader in the Guidance Department for several years and recently began a new path as our College & Career Counselor. We’re excited to have her on board to help our students accomplish their goals.
dr. mccurdy
Dr. Heather McCurdy is our Freshmen Welcome Week Coordinator. During the school year, she teaches U.S. History and AP Gov & Econ in our Social Studies department. She is also the JV coach for Scholastic Bowl. Dr. McCurdy brings energy to everything she does at Reavis!